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Rechtsenglisch - Angebot des Sprachenzentrums

 Fachsprachenkurse  Rechtsenglisch,  die vom Sprachenzentrum angeboten werden

Legal English courses offered by the Language Centre in Winter Semester 2024/5



Allgemeine Bemerkungen

Folgende drei Kurse lassen sich als Zusatzqualifikation für das Deutsche Rechtsstudium (Staatsexamen) an der Viadrina anrechnen.

Anmeldung läuft über ViaCampus. (Nicht über Moodle!)

Anmeldung ist im Normalfall  erst möglich, wenn Sie eine Einstufung haben, oder die HS-Prüfung bzw. UNIcert II  bereits bestanden haben.

Wichtig: wenn Sie nicht  im letzten Semester schon eingestuft oder befreit wurden*, müssen Sie am Do. 10. Okt. 2024.  den Einstufungstest  machen. 

*Sie können sich mit bestimmten Englisch-Zeugnissen (z.B. TOEFL) von der Einstufung befreien lassen und sich direkt für "English for Law 1" anmelden.

 Important: If you did not already do the placement test last semester, or were not otherwise given a placement by the Lektorat last semester*, you must take the placement test on Thurs. 10th Oct.


*If you have certain English certificates (e.g. TOEFL) you can be exempted from placement and go directly to English for Law 1. You will first need to take your certificate to the Secretary's Office of the Language  Centre.



English for Human Rights Law  - B2.2
(Course Number on ViaCampus: 3202019 )

Lesson times:

Fri. 9.15-10.45
Entry requirements:

 Level "B2.2-ZU" or "HS-ZU"  on the placement test.


CEFR target level:

This course alone does not lead to a B2 qualification.

It can count as one of the required B2.2 courses most students need to take the UNIcert II examination, which is a B2 qualification. (UNIcert II is usually necessary if you want to go on to do the courses English for Law 1 and 2) 

You do not need to take the UNIcert II Exam  to gain the Zusatzqualifikation.

Remarks: We will cover both European and international Human Rights law - working with human rights case law, understanding legal commentaries on human rights issues, presenting oral arguments on a legal problem.

 It will be of particular interest to law students (e.g. Deutsches Rechtsstudium) and students on the BA Recht und Politik.

Unlike normal B2.2 courses, this course does not directly prepare you for the UNIcert II exam. Therefore, students wanting to take the HS exam are advised to take a second B2.2 course for more direct examination preparation.


English for Law 1  - C1 Wissenschaftskommunikation
(Course Number on ViaCampus: 3202029 )

Lesson times:


Wed. 4.15-6.45pm (on Campus!)

Fri. 11.15-12.45pm ( in AB)

Entry requirements:

  • Normally, you must have passed the  UNIcert II before taking the course. For this you need to have taken two B2.2 courses or be exempted (befreit) from having to take the UNIcert II exam. You can ask to be exempted if you have achieved level "B2.2-ZU" or level "HS-ZU" on the placement test.

Information on exemption from UNIcert II exam (Befreiung)

CEFR target level:

You will have achieved C1 (UNIcert III), after completing the second course, English for Law 2

Remarks: This course provides practice in legal English language, and gives background in the English legal system and  how Common Law works. The second half of the course focuses on Criminal Law. Students wanting to do the UNIcert III examination will need also to pass the course English for Law 2.


 English for Law 2  - C1 Wissenschaftskommunikation
(Course Number on ViaCampus: 3202030 )

Lesson times:

 Times for  Winter Semester 24/25 are currently being agreed with the students of the previous EfL1 course.


Entry requirements:

You must normally have passed the course English for Law 1.

- Exception: Students who have already studied some law or legal English may be able to go directly to this course without doing English for Law 1 – please contact Richard Bland to discuss this. Generally, you will need to have have had some contact with the basic principles of common law.

CEFR target level:

C1 upon passing UNIcert III.


This course builds on skills and knowledge acquired in  "English for Law 1". 

Skills you will acquire and develop: writing letters and academic essays, legal professional practice, reading judgments, listening in academic legal contexts and presentation skills.

The course prepares for the UNIcert III examination.

Areas of law: contract law, commercial law, torts, negligence.