Further information on the courses

Frequently asked questions

If you have no prior knowledge of a language and are a student, you can sign up for any A1-level course through viaCampus.

For courses at a higher level, you first need to take a placement test or have completed a course at the previous level with the Viadrina Language Centre.

The result of the placement test is valid for two semesters.

Enrolment for our courses takes place exclusively through viaCampus.

------ Our Courses ------

You can register for as many courses as you like, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. However, think carefully about whether you have enough time for several courses on top of your other lectures and your other commitments in the semester.

All language courses at the Language Centre are free of charge.

You can find information about any course textbook for each course in viaCampus under the "Course Content" tab. Here you’ll also find other important information relating to the courses.

viacampus content

No, unfortunately this is not possible, because the "parallel groups" cover the same material. If you do have a problem, get in touch with the applicable  language department (Lektorat) to discuss your issue.

  • Log in to viaCampus.
  • In the bar at the top, select "My Studies" and then click on "Enrolments".
  • The list details the status of the courses you have applied for (on the right-hand side): either "admitted" or "rejected".
  • If you register for a course without any free places, you’ll be placed on a waiting list and given the status "Waiting list rank X", where X is the current place in the queue.
    For example: "waiting list rank 1"  = the first person in the queue, and so on. If a place becomes free , the next person on the waiting list will automatically be added to the participant list.

If the course is full and you are on the waiting list, you will move up the waiting list  -  until the end of the Restplatzvergabe period, which is the end of the second week of teaching. After that, if you have not been allocated a place in a course, you unforunttatley have not been szccessful.

Please check your Viadrina e-mail. This is where you will be sent any new messages about your course place.

If you have been allocated a place on a course, but then decide you are not longer able or don’t want to take it up, please cancel your place in the viaCampus portal. Cancellation is possible until the end of the second week of the course.

This releases your place so that someone can move up the waiting list if necessary.
If you do not attend the course but do not cancel your place, your course result will be listed as "unsuccessful".

Enrolment for the intensive courses is, as with the regular courses – through viaCampus. Information about scheduled intensive courses can be found on the Viadrina Language Centre's main page. Information about intensive courses usually appears in the "News" section in the second half of teaching term. Registration is possible also from then. Lektorat Englisch has its intensive courses usually listed on viaCampus at the beginning of semester, but registration is only possble after the second week of term-time (Vorlesungszeit).

If you are unsure or have any questions, get in touch!

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