Information about the Self-Learning Centre

I’ve got a question!

The Self-Learning Centre has been a branch of the University Library since 2022. The same lending conditions apply as in the University Library (with minor exceptions for dictionaries).  Only users registered at the main branch can borrow the media.

Important: Media borrowed from the Self-Learning Centre can only be returned to the Self-Learning Centre!

Yes, of course! You are welcome to drop by during our opening hours without prior appointment.

As in every library, rules of conduct also apply in the Self-Learning Centre:

Coats, bags, umbrellas, etc. may not be taken into the reading area. For this purpose, there are cloakroom lockers where you can store your belongings. You can find more information under "Where do I leave my belongings?"

Eating and drinking is not permitted in the Self-Learning Centre.
Mobile phones should be set to silent mode and phone calls should be made outside the Self-Learning Centre.


All media in the Self-Learning Centre are arranged according to the University Library shelfmarks.
You can find out more about the structure of the EUV shelfmarks here.

You can find the media in the University Library’s OPAC catalogue. You can also renew or reserv items in the OPAC catalogue after logging in)

- Visit the University Library OPAC catalogue.

Items held in the Self-Learning Centre is marked by the symbol SLZ (a yellow sticker with "SLZ" on each medium), which is located before the actual shelfmark, for example SLZ/GB 3044 P451-5,1.2007

All items in the Self-Learning Centre are arranged by University Library shelfmarks.
You can find out more about the structure of the EUV shelfmarks here.

Since the Self-Learning Centre mainly provides teaching and linguistic materials, the media have been arranged by language, i.e. English language and literature (English), French language and literature (French), German language and literature (German), etc. Each language, therefore, has its own section, which is clearly labelled on the respective shelf. Each language section also has a sub-section with a general topic.

Each language section contains:

1. The actual language section, for example "German Studies", in which you can find all books that only belong to German Studies (i.e. all media from G to GT 1500 according to the EUV shelfmark).

2. General subject matter. These books, arranged according totheir shelfmark don’t belong to a specific language area (e.g. German studies, English studies, etc.), but rather are written in a specific language of the linguistic area in which they are located. In the case of the German studies section, for example, this general section is called "German language in general". On this shelf you will therefore find books with different EUV shelfmarks, which:

are in German and are not assigned to any other language sections in the SLZ
do not include German studies according to the shelfmark order.

No problem! All dictionaries are located on separate shelves (regardless of the above list), which have been designated exclusively for this type of medium.


Some dictionaries have been marked with yellow dots in the Self-Learning Centre. These dictionaries can only be borrowed for one day or over the weekend.

The lockers are located in the corridor (ground floor) directly next to the Self-Learning Centre - to the left and right of the SLZ entrance door.

Since February 2021, the Self-Learning Centre has provided a total of 16 lockers (twist lock for a padlock). The lockers can only be used during the opening hours of the Self-Learning Centre.


For safety reasons (the corridor is also an escape route), the locker doors must always be kept closed. Consequently, they will only be made available on request. To use a locker, talk to a member of staff.

There are two options:

1. you can borrow a padlock from us for a deposit of 5 euros.

2. you can bring your own padlock.

There is actually a third option for storing your personal belongings. You can simply leave your belongings in the non-lockable compartments at the front of the Self-Learning Centre: But this is at your own risk!


In the Self-Learning Centre, for example :) . You’ll find one of the university photocopiers here. (Access according to the opening hours of the SLZ.) There is another university printer located in room AB 114a (1st floor in the west wing) and is available during the opening hours of the Viadrina Language Centre building.

If you do not have your ID with you, you can use an SLZ printer and pay (only) in cash. Please have the approximate money ready in advance. The printer only prints in black and white.

1x page = 5 cents
1x sheet with one printed page = 5 cents
1x double-sided sheet = 10 cents

In addition to books, you can also get help from us. The staff at the Self-Learning Centre will be happy to answer your questions about the shelfmarks and help you find items! :)

Please send any questions regarding the University Library branch in the Self-Learning Centre to the following e-mail address:

Kamil Kubacik