
Polish at the Viadrina


Due to its location, it makes perfect sense to learn Polish at the Viadrina. With us, you can learn the language from levels A1 to C2. After a brief introduction to the Polish language, you’ll familiarise yourself bit by bit with the culture, history and daily life of Poland. You can put your skills to the test with practical exercises on the Polish side of the Doppelstadt in Slubice or during our study trips to Szczecin, Gdańsk and Warsaw. Your language skills will be invaluable for your degree programme, in everyday life at Viadrina and for your future career.


1 Warszawa Fot Tomasz Rajewicz (2)

Polish Department

Aleksandra Kubicka
Building AB, Room 112
Tel +49 335 5534 2947

Dr Tomasz Rajewicz

Building AB, Room 112
Tel +49 335 5534 3729


Friday 10.00

Placement test

All students with previous knowledge of Polish who would like to start a course at the Viadrina Polish Department in the summer semester 2025 are cordially invited to attend the placement test on 4 April 2025. Please register at polnisch@europa-uni.de

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Monday 09.00

Project week with students from Warsaw and Budapest

From 2 to 6 June 2025, students from the Universities of Warsaw and Budapest will be visiting the Lektorat Polnisch. All students of Polish are invited to participate. In addition to exciting activities in Frankfurt (Oder) and Berlin, an excursion to Szczecin is planned.


Bibliothek, Bild der Bücher vom Handy

Choose the Right Course

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Frau arbeitet am Tablet, Wasserglas, Handy, Seitenansicht

Examination Dates

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Studierende laufen über den Campusplatz der dem Auditorium Maximum


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What our students say:

For me, Polish is a gateway to another world.

I'm learning Polish to improve my job prospects.

My favourite Polish word is abecadło.