
English at the Viadrina

Welcome to the English Department!

Studying English at Viadrina means more than just learning a language! With us, you’ll have the opportunity to develop your skills in English from B2 to C1 level. That means  you’ll  not only learn grammar and vocabulary, but also immerse yourself in the fascinating diversity of the English-speaking world and feel confident to present, write, negotiate and so much more

Our language courses and intercultural events  give you the opportunity to use your language skills directly. This will not only enrich your studies, but also your career and your life.


final waysign - Sussex countryside


Friday 14.00

UniCert II Exam

The UniCert II exam will be held in GD Lecture Halls. On the day, names will be on the doors of your lecture hall. For important information to help you prepare, follow the arrow below.

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Monday 10.30

UniCert III exam - Kuwi

The ritten exam will in AB, in a room to be announced approx. a week before. Be there at least 15 minutes before the start.

Monday 10.30

UniCert III Exam - Law

Written exam is in AB 117 . Be there at least ten minutes before the start.

Tuesday 10.00

UniCert III Exam - WiWi

The UniCert III exam will be held in August-Bebel-Strasse, (room to be announced). The exam begins promptly at 10:00 and goes until 13:30. You may enter the room at 09:45.


Examination Information

Important Information about UNIcert II and III English

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